On Dying and Living

I dedicate this story to my oldest son, Isaac. He’s taken the lessons he’s learned from his disease and been such a support to me. It was at his prodding that I am even writing this story. “Mom, how can people pray for you if they don’t know what’s going on?”

Angela Romero Faulkner
13 min readFeb 23, 2021


Me and my furry angel, Brice

On January 13, 2021, I almost died.

I don’t really know where to begin. What has been all-consuming to me has been a secret to all but those closest to me — my family. Unbeknownst to many people I have a chronic disease. Admitting that has taken a long time. For years I didn’t want to assume this label because it made me feel weak, flawed, undeserving of opportunities.

Without going into excruciating details, a little over five years ago my pancreas decided to do its own thing. It started off with getting dizzy when I didn’t eat at the right time. That happens to a lot of people so I didn’t seek medical attention. Time progressed and it became worse so I talked to one doctor, then two doctors, then teams of doctors.

After ruling things out like diabetes, the technical term given to my condition was Hyper Reactive Hypoglycemia. For a while doctors tried to find what was causing it and to fix the source of the…



Angela Romero Faulkner

Christian, wife, mom, political hack, history, genealogy, all things weird and supernatural, love hate relationship with food, forever learning