Go Ahead, Ask

Angela Romero Faulkner
2 min readApr 23, 2018


Always searching…

From my reading of Matthew 4

“Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil.” vs. 1

The Spirit knew it was time to test Jesus’ resolve. I wonder if Jesus knew where He was going? He knew about the events surrounding His eventual death so my guess is that He did know. So, if you know you’re going to be tested AND you know the eventual outcome doesn’t that make passing the test easy? No matter what you face, if you know you can’t fail, doesn’t that give you no excuse for not trying?

There are all kinds of promises in the Bible about God always being with us; promises of victory, comfort, eternity. So why is it so hard to trust them, like Jesus did?

In my mind, I think it’s because Jesus had an advantage; He knew His Father intimately. He had seen God, talked to Him, was part of Him. (Trinity — so confusing!)

Ever feel like you’re eating a frozen popsicle while reading the Bible? You’re not alone!

How do I get that knowledge of God? How can I learn to trust something I’ve had a hard time hearing from? My periodic spiritual distance from God over the years has come from my confusion over serving a God who doesn’t communicate with me. He has the power to let me hear Him so why not use it? And if He is using it with others why am I left out of this gift?

Questioning God is not a bad thing.

There’s no better feeling than when your teenagers sit down and ask you questions about your life. It means they’ve finally gotten beyond looking at themselves and moved on to caring about someone who loves them deeply. I have to think that God feels the same way. Just the fact that we’re still talking to Him, even if we’re questioning where we stand in the relationship, means that the relationship is still alive.

Never stop asking. He never tires of answering.

These are reflections of my Bible study, in particular as I work my way through the New Testament. I’m not a Bible scholar. Just a regular girl seeking an awesome God! Please share my journey with me and let me know your thoughts.

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Angela Romero Faulkner

Christian, wife, mom, political hack, history, genealogy, all things weird and supernatural, love hate relationship with food, forever learning